UK Screen Alliance Audio Post Working Group

UK Screen Alliance/Animation UK open events  |  Tuesday, 10 September 2024 | 10:00 - 11:00

Meeting type: Online

The aim is to create a group that can lobby on behalf of audio creatives and create a single voice to influence areas such as technical clarity on Film and TV deliverables lists, common sense on QC reports, and to liaise with equipment companies to improve audio resources and outcomes. This will be in addition to all the advocacy that UK Screen Alliance does for its wider membership on fiscal policy like tax credits, skills and education, and international promotion.

The purpose of the initial meeting is to further discuss the scope of the working group and discuss initial suggested topics. We hope this group will bring together boutique audio facilities, as well as audio departments of larger post-production facilities


  • Welcome
  • Purpose and scope of the group
  • Discussion on initial priorities