Work on the animation in the music video for Christmas single ‘Let’s Not Go Away’ by Scouting For Girls was lead by first-time director Katie Gascoyne, who took the reins in Blue Zoo’s innovative shorts programme.

Every year, multi-BAFTA winning animation studio, Blue Zoo, holds an in-house competition to give anyone the opportunity to direct a short animated film. This year was a chance to direct the music video for the new Scouting For Girls Christmas single. The band chose an idea presented by Blue Zoo’s Recruitment and Talent Coordinator, Katie Gascoyne. Katie’s film will be the first short directed by an administrative team member and the 12th film in Blue Zoo’s boundary-breaking shorts programme.
The animated music video for ‘Let’s Not Go Away’, is a new Scouting For Girls Christmas single to be released alongside their new album, ‘The Trouble With Boys’ through Sony Music.
“For me, this was an opportunity to tell a Christmas story with all the sweetness you’d expect, but a bit off-kilter. Everything is as you’d expect. Young couple in love at Christmas, renting a crappy but well-loved flat in London, one of them dreading spending Christmas day with their other half’s family. Except in this scenario, the boyfriend is a living gingerbread man, and her family have a bad habit of nibbling him when she’s not around. Needless to say, he’s not looking forward to another holiday with them. There’s a run-in with some robins, a (ginger) breadcrumb trail and a super sweet romantic gesture on top. At its heart, it’s about leaving obligation behind and spending Christmas with the people we choose to.”
Katie Gascoyne, music video animation Director
Emmy-winning songwriter David Freedman worked with his son, Jackson Freedman, to write the heartwarming original song performed by enduringly popular UK band, Scouting for Girls. ‘Let’s Not Go Away’ released alongside their new album, ‘The Trouble With Boys’, through
Sony Music. Scouting For Girls songs includes cross-generational mega-hits like, ‘She’s So Lovely’, ‘This Ain’t a Love Song’, and ‘Heartbeat’.
“Every year we make something funny and Christmas related, and this song was hilarious, cheeky and also incredibly sentimental. We got cracking right away with an in house competition for an animated short film to go with the song. Anyone can enter, and Katie from HR won with a sentimental concept, just this side of weird. This
Oli Hyatt, Co-founder of Blue Zoo
was the perfect chance to create a short film in our recently opened 2D studio.”
Blue Zoo’s 2D studio opened earlier this year as part of the long-term strategy to diversify and broaden the studio’s content. Currently in production is 2D half-hour buddy comedy, Pony, aimed at 8-10-year-olds. Pony is created by Ant Blades, who will also direct the series. The show currently has an order for 20 half-hour episodes from Nickelodeon.
“I’m so beyond grateful for the opportunity to tell this story, and to direct a short film. This wouldn’t be possible anywhere else but Blue Zoo.
Katie Gascoyne, music video animation Director
It’s incredible how much the studio has supported and trusted me as a director for this production – and that’s not just a superfluous title, I really did get to direct it! I’m absolutely blown away by the talent of the 2D studio in the making of this short, and I’m extremely grateful to be part of the making of Blue Zoo’s first 2D Christmas short. I am endlessly amazed by what this studio can accomplish.”
‘Let’s Not Go Away’ is available to stream everywhere, and the new #BZShorts film is out from today (December 3rd). Scouting for Girls will be debuting ‘Let’s Not Go Away’ live on their current UK tour.