Manchester Animation Festival (MAF) is the UK’s largest Animation Festival dedicated to the celebration of the animated art form. The festival will be taking place November 13th – 18th.

Tom Sanders, Creative Director & Founder of Tinmouse and member of Industry Advisory Group at MAF, will be a panelist on two separate events.
The business of animation is often focused on features and TV series, although there is a large proportion that isn’t always celebrated for its creativity and ingenuity – non-broadcast explainers, adverts and interstitials – the ‘Bread and Butter’ of the animation industry. Having instigated the panel through his advisory role, Tom, along with Karl Doran of Flow Creative and Steven Middleton from Art & Graft will explore this side of the industry and celebrate its importance and relevance to upcoming talent and position within the industry.
As an industry day dedicated to animation, it’s our duty to ensure that all avenues of the industry are covered in the detail they deserve. We’re delighted to be able to put B2B and non-broadcast animation under the same spotlight as TV series and feature films as vital contributors to the animation eco system and to have huge advocates such as Tom from Tinmouse contributing to this exciting panel.
Steve Henderson, Festival Director at MAF
I am so proud that this event is taking place at MAF this year. The B2B and non-broadcast industry is thoroughly under-represented in the UK and to explore and celebrate its successes here at MAF will hopefully shine a light on all who work in this medium.
Tom Sanders, Creative Director & Founder of Tinmouse
Tom will also be at the Industry Insiders event, discussing the concept and successes of ‘The Good Hour’ – Tinmouse’s open challenge to freelancers and small businesses to spend one hour a month generating new ideas to improve sustainability within their business.
Information and tickets for MAF can be found at